Allen Bradley Obsolete Equipment – Drives

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At K+S Services, we specialize in keeping your Obsolete Equipment operational!

Allen Bradley Obsolete Equipment - Drives Allen Bradley Obsolete Equipment Obsolete Equipment - Drives

Allen Bradley Obsolete Drives Include:

K+S measures quality rates with our 12 month IN-SERVICE warranty on monthly basis.  We are delighted to report after April that we have held our overall quality rate above 99% for more than 27 months in a row!

Number of Repairs:

Electronic: 15,935

Motor: 2,730

Total: 18,665

Quality Rate:

Electronics: 99.21%

Motors: 99.15%

Overall: 99.02%


K+S Services is ISO 9001:2015 certified at all locations. Our continued ISO certification ensures that our level of quality is maintained and our efforts for continuous improvement are always expanding.