Ball Screw Repair
When it comes to ball screw repair, you need a professional and reliable repair service. Don’t let your machine or entire manufacturing line grind to a halt because of a damaged ballscrew. From major to minor repairs, learn how K+S Services stands out from other ball screw manufacturers and offers competitive professional repair and manufacturing services for your components. Discover how our unmatched commitment to quality can help you receive accurate estimates and comprehensive ball screw repairs.
Signs You Need Our Services
If you’re unsure whether your ball screw needs to routine maintenance, repair services or replacement from ball screw manufacturers, here are some common signs to look for. First, any surface distress, such as pitting or palling, is a common sign of a damaged or worn ball screw. Surface distress may not immediately decrease the performance of your ball screw, but overtime it could lead to increased loss of both structural integrity and efficiency. Over time, what would otherwise be a minor repair could turn into a complete replacement.
Check for any clicking sound from the ball nut tubes or any unusual vibrations. Missing or loose wipers and seals also need to be replaced for efficient use. Finally, if there is any discoloration on the ball or lead of your ball screw, it may be a sign of inadequate lubrication. Other signs of poor lubrication include ball bearing skid marks and lube line damage.
Be sure to routinely inspect your components. There’s nothing worse than a machine grinding to a halt due to broken or bent parts. Routine maintenance is often less expensive than major repairs, so proper installation and lubrication can ensure a long life for your ball screw.
Accurate Engineering For Proper Ball Screw Repair
Choose a company that uses reverse engineering to provide accurate and efficient ball screw repair services. Reverse engineering allows a companies or ball screw manufacturers to identify the precise repairs needed and to manufacture new parts or an entirely new ball screw.
With our 30-plus years of experience and ISO certification, the team at K+S is able to provide comprehensive services for a wide range of ball screws. Every ball screw repair starts with accurate diagnostics to determine the issue. Don’t spend money on a brand-new part when you only need minor repairs.
Faster Turnaround Times
While other companies are waiting to place an order for an OEM component or replacement ball screw, our ball screw manufacturers capabilities can give you a new or rebuilt component faster. From initial inspection to return shipping, choose a company that provides fast services. A quick turnaround can lead to thousands of dollars in savings thanks to fewer days of your machine being out of commission.
Consistent Quality
Don’t mess around with quick fixes or amateur repairs. A specialized precision machining company can provide you with the repairs you need, backed confidently by years of successful service.
At K+S, we ensure that only the highest quality repairs leave our shop. We have a wide range of capabilities and can repair virtually any type of ball screw with consistent quality. It doesn’t matter what size or brand your ball screw happens to be. We can rebuild components for CNC routers, grinding machines or any other ball screw applications.
Once a ball screw is repaired, it undergoes testing and further inspections to ensure only the highest quality parts are sent back to you. Enjoy the highest in the durability, quality and precision from your repair services.
Receive an Estimate Today
From 30-foot ball screws to 2-inch varieties, your project can vary dramatically in terms of time and cost. Every repair project begins with an inspection and estimate. That way, you can be confident in the cost and time necessary to perform repairs before any repairs are started.
If you’re ready to get your ball screw back in working order, request a quote today. At K+S Services, we’re always ready to give you the highest level repair services. From ball screw repairs to comprehensive electrical and engineering services, our experienced team is ready to help you keep your business or personal machinery running efficiently.